Massage Phillip Island

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If you Google ‘Massage Phillip Island’, chances are you will find an assortment of massage places offering their fantastic services. And we are no different! Except for the 13+ years of professional experience and a broad accreditation including an Advanced Diploma in Remedial Massage. There is also the sports and outdoor recreation bachelor degree from Monash, and the CERT IV in Personal Training. Needless to say, we know about muscles. So for Massage Phillip Island, why would you look any further than Phillip island Massage Therapy?

We massage Phillip Island and beyond

The majority of our clients are from Phillip Island and the surrounding areas, however we also cater to many tourists or weekenders who come to visit the island to unwind. Our main focus is on healing, but we also offer relaxation treatments as well. Every customer has different needs so we will also treat each individual based on their unique requirements.

During the last year we have been very busy setting up our clinic, renovating a beautiful seaside property to create the kind of relaxing tranquil atmosphere that is essential to putting our clients at ease. The natural surroundings of 48 Beresford are nothing short of splendid. At all times of the day you can hear the waves crashing on the nearby beach and the coastal animals who call the Cape Woolamai peninsula their home.

Healing Bass Coast

We have patients who travel from all over Bass Coast to come and see us. There may be an abundance of Massage Therapists in the Bass Coast Region but if you want to see why so many come to us, then you only need to read our reviews. We are wholly committed to providing a first-rate experience for our customers. If you are not getting progress with your current massage therapist then why not try someone new? You have nothing to lose.

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