Benefits of massage in the colder winter months!

woman getting massage

It’s that time of the year again when the days become shorter and the weather gets gloomier. This means  you are more likely to stay indoors by the heater. You will find any excuse not to go outside to instead stay warm inside by the heater.

Unfortunately staying confined inside too long can have negative effects on the body and mind and it’s no wonder that many people get the winter blues during the colder months. However there is an easy way to overcome the lethargic effects of the winter months by enjoying the benefits of massage.

Incorporating regular massages into your routine is a great way to feel happier, energized and healthier during winter alongside with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Below we have listed a few reasons why a regular remedial massage will help you get through this winter.

Benefits of massage

1. Massage increases your Immunity

This is very important in staving off illness during the flu season. Getting regular massage stimulates your lymph nodes which release white blood cells for fighting off infection. Massage is a great way to boost your immune system and avoid getting sick and all the havoc it can cause in your everyday life.

2. Massage Improves Circulation

When you are cold your blood vessels constrict to your extremities in order to divert warm blood to keeping your core and vital organs functioning at the right temperature. However prolonged exposure to cold weather can make this very uncomfortable and you may experience numbness and pain in your muscles and joints. Massage opens up your muscles and blood vessels, making the warm blood flow more freely and making your body put in the extra work to heat your whole body and improve the flow of oxygen.

3. Massage Loosens Up Muscles

Many lose the motivation to exercise during the winter, leading to stiff and inactive muscles. Between decreased circulation and cold temperatures, the cooler months can be a pain for your muscles. A full-body massage will effectively warm and loosen them up, keeping you flexible throughout the season.

4. Reduces Winter Blues

When the nights are longer and the sun doesn’t shine nearly as often, many feel the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Studies have shown that massage therapy is an effective mood and energy booster. During a massage, your body releases oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, all chemicals that make you feel amazing. Regular massage treatments can help with symptoms of SAD, depression, and anxiety.

If you would like to book in a rejuvenating winter massage just click here and book online.