A Full Body Massage is highly therapeutic
Do you suffer from aches and pains? A full body massage may be just what you need. In recent times massage has become increasingly clinical. An abundance of new research has become available and is changing the way we view massage as a society. It is now quite common for medical professionals to recommend remedial massage as a long-term therapeutic treatment to treat chronic physical conditions.
How does a Full Body Massage work?
Massage therapy is kneading or manipulating of muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia which helps release tension and improve health and wellbeing. Many of those who receive regular treatments report long-term positive health effects. These benefits often include an improvement in both psychological and physical well-being. Research by scientists at the NCBI has revealed that massage therapy results in a decrease in cortisol and an increase in serotonin and dopamine.
Reducing your stress
Cortisol is a naturally occurring hormone in the body directly linked to stress. When put under stress your body shuts down many of its non-essential functions in order to enter a fight/flight state. In small doses, this hormone is relatively harmless. However, in large doses, excessive cortisol levels can be really bad for your health.
The Neurotransmitter Serotonin is increased by regular massage. It is a regulatory chemical that helps things like mood, social behavior, digestion, sleep and libido. Healthy levels of serotonin are important for avoiding depression. Research has shown that low levels of serotonin are linked to depression.
Dopamine is another neurotransmitter that works with Serotonin to help improve health. It is linked to the performance of your immune system and also your kidneys. High blood pressure is more common in people with low levels of dopamine in their system.
Long term benifits of massage
This chemical reaction which occurs as a result of a regular full body massage, will produce significant health benefits over time. Some of these benefits you will notice in your day to day life. Such as, improvements to concentration, sleep, energy levels and fatigue levels.
A recent publication by Harvard University revealed that athletes who receive massage after strenuous exercise show a great improvement in recovery and well-being after the exercise. This is why it is now common practice for professional athletes to receive regular (often daily) massage treatments in addition to their training.
The same publication also discussed a study in which four hundred people aged twenty to sixty-five with chronic back pain tried massage therapy as a treatment. The study group received weekly one hour massages for ten weeks. At the end of the study almost 40% of participants reported their pain had improved or was gone completely, compared with 4% of another control group who were only given anti-inflammatories. The results are simply astounding.
With so many proven benefits of full body massage, what are you waiting for? If you would like a great myotherapist and happen to be near Cape Woolamai in Phillip Island, look no further! Phillip Island Massage Therapy is here to help take your pain away. We want to see you living life to the fullest free from the burden of stubborn injuries. Take a natural therapeutic approach to your health and book in your full body massage today, or tomorrow. But be quick because you only live once, so you may as well live as healthy and happy as possible!