Special Massage Offer

special massage offer

This special massage offer is for a limited time only. Until the end of December we are offering a $10 off the price of your next  PIMT massage treatment if you Like Phillip Island Massage Therapy on Facebook and Share a link with your friends. Alternatively, if you don’t want to share our page on your Facebook, then we would also accept a review on our Facebook page or Google.

Let’s help each other with this great special massage offer

We really like to reward the loyalty of our existing customers as well as incentivize potential new customers to give us a go. By sharing our page with your friends, it helps us to spread the word on what we are offering. We are fully confident in the quality of our service so we want as many people as possible to know that we are here. With social media being such a big part of our day to day lives, it provides us with a great avenue to update our customers as well as to appear to new ones.

It gets even better

By liking our page and sharing with your friends not only will we give you a $10 discount as a thank you, but if your friends say that you referred them, we will also give your friends $10 discount voucher for the price of their first massage! That means that not only will you receive a $10 discount, you can help your friends out by giving them a $10 discount as well. Everyone is a winner!

happy lady


Take note:
-You will only receive a discount voucher for your first ‘Like and Share’.
-Discount vouchers are sent via email so you will need to contact us to provide this prior to your appointment.
-It is important to make sure you like the Facebook page so we can verify your share and provide you with your discount.
-You will need to print off the discount voucher and bring it in with you at the time of your massage  treatment.

For any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us, for a full list of health fund providers we can offer rebates for please click here