Shin Splints

shin splints

Do your shins ache or burn after a running session? Or even just to sprint to catch the bus? You might be suffering from Medial Tibial Tenoperiostitis. The condition commonly known as shin splints.

What are the symptoms of shin splints?

The biggest symptom is a deep ache in the front of your lower leg along the length of your shin bone (tibia). Many sufferers complain of a deep aching pain in the muscle which can make it uncomfortable to walk or run for long durations. For people who are normally very active, this condition can be very debilitating.

In the early onset of shin splints, it is common for many people to dismiss the pain at first as normal cramping associated with vigorous exercise. However, for many, this ache can become chronic. When the pain persists and hinders the individual from performing their usual actions, it’s time to take it seriously.

What causes shin splints?

Shin splints usually occur as a result of repetitive stress on your shinbone (Tibia and Fibula bones) and connective tissues. Pain is usually felt during and after exercise. Furthermore, this pain can get bad enough that running or training becomes virtually impossible.

Shin splints are most common in athletes because they are constantly pushing their bodies to perform at higher levels. Where many people would rest from sore muscles, athletes often persist through the pain. In many cases, this regular stress on the muscle fibers can be beneficial, resulting in thicker, stronger muscles. However, in some cases, excessive muscle stress can result in excessive inflammation, and sometimes an inflamed muscle can put pressure on nerves, blood vessels and ligaments resulting in chronic muscle pain.

How can massage treat shin splints?

Remedial massage therapists use various techniques to help release muscle tension and reduce swelling. This results in relief for the patient. Over time this can also result in a relieving of the condition entirely. Many professional athletes have regular massages for this very purpose. Since they want to continue to exercise vigorously, their muscles need special and regular attention. However, it’s not just athletes who experience shin splints, they can affect anyone, and massage treatment can also cure or help anyone suffering from acute muscle pain.

If you would like a great remedial massage therapist to help you with your muscle pain, contact us at Phillip Island Muscle Therapy to arrange an appointment.