Trigger Point Therapy

trigger point therapy

At Phillip Island Massage Therapy we offer Trigger Point Therapy as a viable treatment option in Remedial Massage. Trigger Point Therapy involves targeting specific points of the muscle in order to reduce muscle tension and musculoskeletal pain.

A Remedial massage therapist is trained and qualified to be able to identify and target these regions of the muscle. In addition to massaging the entire muscle, Trigger Point Therapy helps to release additional tension for longer lasting pain relief.

What is a Trigger Point and What Causes it?

A trigger point or myofascial trigger point is described as a hyperirritable spot in the fascia surrounding the muscle. They are associated with palpable nodules or ‘knots’ in taut bands of muscle fibers.

There are over 650 skeletal muscles in the human body and any of these muscles can develop trigger points. When the sensitive trigger points are pressed through massage, the patient will feel pain in the muscle and sometimes in other regions of the body. The pain felt elsewhere in the body is called referred pain.

Trigger points can be caused by

-Poor posture

-Overuse of muscles

-Mechanical imbalances (One leg being longer than the other)

-Joint disorders




-Electrolyte imbalances

-Nerve pain

-Sleep deprivation and vitamin deficiency

Trigger points can cause muscle pain or refer pain which can be felt in other areas of the body. Other trigger points are only felt when the muscle is directly palpated.

How Much Trigger Point Therapy Treatment Will You Need?

The response to Trigger Point Therapy treatment varies from person to person. Generally, for recent injuries or current conditions, only a few Trigger Point Therapy treatments are needed in a short space of time. With chronic musculoskeletal problems will require some intense initial treatment followed by ongoing treatment on a monthly or every six weeks to maintain your improvement. Your treatment schedule will vary depending on your specific condition. For a more specific discussion, you are best consulting with Valerie your Remedial Massage Therapist on 0426 501 182 or contact us.