A New Massage Therapist

new massage therapist

Phillip Island Massage Therapy would like to offer a warm welcome to our newest team member, Remedial Massage Therapist ‘Andrew Schneider’.

Andrew and his young family are a recent addition to the Phillip Island community. They join us from Melbourne’s South Eastern Suburbs and look forward to establishing themselves in the region.

Andrew brings with him a wealth of experience as both a Remedial Massage Therapist and a Pilates Instructor. Therefore, he is definitely someone who is familiar with caring for patients muscles.

You can book an appointment with Andrew on most Saturdays, and he can provide a strong targeted massage which we highly recommend trying. Andrew also has a very friendly and approachable demeanor; he has spent a good portion of his youth working in customer service oriented roles.

After recent setbacks, we look forward to a bright future for our small business. We also look forward to providing quality treatment to the people of Phillip Island and surrounds. As we continue to rebuild our business in the post-covid climate, we will aim to provide additional appointment options to our loyal customers.

If you would like to book in with Andrew, or Valerie, you can do so via our booking page.