COVID-19 – Update

covid-19 hand washing

At Phillip Island Massage Therapy, we are committed to protecting the health & wellbeing of our customers and our practitioners. We, therefore, request that our customers notify us if:
-They have recently arrived back from overseas
-Experienced a fever or flu-like symptoms
-Been in contact with anyone experiencing sickness or COVID-19
As our practice falls under the ‘Allied Health’ category. We are permitted to stay open during this difficult time and continue to provide essential massage therapy services to our clientele.

Let Us Know If You Feel Sick

If you are feeling at all under the weather, please let us know before attending your appointment. We can always reschedule you for a later date. You will not be charged a fee for being unable to participate in your appointment.
Even if it is just something small, by taking this precaution, you are helping to stop the spread of disease and protecting the most vulnerable members of our community.

Additional Safety Measures

At Phillip Island Massage Therapy, we’ve always practiced excellent hygiene in treating our clientele. In between sessions, our practitioners always wash their hands and sanitize equipment.
Now, in addition to these prior processes, we also sanitize handles, screen patients for signs of illness, and take precautionary measures in protecting ourselves: Self-isolating and compartmentalizing operations

Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From COVID-19

We have provided a useful infographic with useful information on how to protect yourself and loved ones from COVID-19.


We Appreciate Your Support

During this time, we appreciate our customers continuing to see us. Our business relies on the patronage of our clientele, and together we can treat you and your loved ones safely and responsibly.
We look forward to continuing to treat the people of Phillip Island and beyond for many years to come. Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

If you would like to book an appointment please click here.